The Gain of Lisa Requiem By Phrooglevore Legal crap: I don't own Cream or any other such character in this story, Sega does. Shadow, Symphony, and Lisa Requiem are © Princeshadow Before you read this story I should warn you that it contains stuffing. So if you don't like stuffing, or don't know what it is, well then you probably don't want read this story. Also, this may sound weird, but if this story is removed from a group (yahoo group and such), by myself, feel free to re-upload it. Don't ask why I say this; just feel free upload it, or to upload it on other groups. Oh also please R/R, it helps me with my writing. My email address is This is part of an art/story trade I'm doing with Princeshadow. It's kind of an alternative universe thing between the sonic universes and his series "Multiverse dating service" (which you can find at his DA account ( It was a beautifully sunlit afternoon in Cosphire. Not one of the sun's golden rays was obstructed as it shined upon the town’s residents. That was until two of the town's female inhabitants set foot outside of their school. Both of their bulging bellies more then helped to cast large shadows over much of the ground their foot falls would soon take. The shadows began to move down the steps of the school as the two children fallowed, tummy's jostling and jiggling as they did. "I just don't know what I'm going to do." The smaller bunny said in great distress to older, much larger, cat-girl. "If I don't sell it all by today, I won't ever have a chance to become head guide girl." Symphony just shook her head at the rabbit. "You're not being creative enough, like I was when I had to sell my guide girl food packets." "What did you do?" Cream asked, with intent curiosity. "I ate all my supplies on the way home, then made my dad pay for it." Symphony replied, a little pride of her appetite's abilities in her voice. "Of course, I did have to clean his lab all those times…""Well I don't think I can do that. Mommy hasn't made a whole lot of platybucks since your daddy brought us here, and I don't think I can eat that much by the end of today." Cream replied, grabbing her jutting paunch, lifting it up for a moment, before letting it fall back down to its former position. Cream had been putting on a lot of extra weight since Shadow had rescued her and her mother from the war ravaged planet of Mobius. Even though Vanilla hadn't made a great deal of money, the unbelievably cheep food prices helped to make sure that Cream had more than enough to nibble on. And having more than enough to nibble on was a practice she was beginning to enjoy almost as much Symphony did. Which gave Cream an idea. "Symphony, you're looking kinda hungry. Betcha you'd like a little something to snack on?" She said overly innocent. Symphony instantly knew where this was going and hastily replied "Oh, no. Don't think you can weasel me into buying all of those packets. I'd have to clean papa's lab again..." she paused for a moment, entering into a stunned emotionlessness, before hollowly saying "Those images don't go away." "Come on. Don't you want to have a few thousand, scrumptious food packets?" Cream tempted, patting Symphony’s over soft tummy. She almost leaped back as the cat girl's belly let out the biggest growl in Cosphire history. Symphony gave her lips a small lick, before her head a small shake. "I'm sorry, Cream. I just can't do it. Besides my mom would be furious if I did..." It was now Symphony's turn to get an idea. She always did think her mother was far too skinny, and her seemingly never ending dieting couldn't be all that good for her. "How many packets did you say you had to sell again?" Symphony inquired with a sly renewed interest. "Six thousand." Cream replied. "That's about-35 platybucks, right?" Cream nodded. 'Thank goodness I still have that birthday money Grandpa Garfunkle gave me.' Symphony thought to herself as she pulled out the money. "I'll take them all." She said. Cream's eyes lit up like a kid on Christmas morning. "Yes! Thank you so much, Symphony! Momma's going to be so happy." She said as she gave Symphony a big hug, sinking several inches into her blubber laden body as she did. "I'm just glad to help. Besides, I'm going to have some real fun with them." * * * "And, one, and, two, and, three..." Lisa's laboured voice said as she moved in time to the workout video. After the events at the club, she was working over time on get herself down from the 310 pounds she inevitably put on, to 115. Even though her husband, Shadow, said she looked fine, Lisa knew that he really wanted her to drop the weight. As the video came to a close, Lisa pantently wiped her sweat drenched brow. "*Pant* Wow *Pant*! I must have *Pant* burned off at least *Pant* three pounds." She said, still recovering from her workout. She quickly glanced at her watch, "Well, I should probably get dinner ready. Better make something light..." Lisa said to herself as she glanced at the small bulge of fat around her middle. "Don't want all this hard work to go to waste." Lisa made the short journey into the kitchen and began to search for the ingredients to make salad and low-cal chicken. Which was proving to be hard as every cupboard, pantry, and fridge was more than empty. "I just went shopping two days ago." Lisa said to herself, before noticing the note posted on the fridge door: "Lisa, After my mission on the Bokunhuo planet, I had to make a mends with their leader, Queen Eazalott. I had to give the traditional: A meal fit for a Queen. I only wanted to teleport a bit of our food, but Queen Eazalott really lives up to her name. I'll bring something home tonight. Shadow." Lisa sighed. She knew if her husband was bringing something for dinner, it was going to be really fattening. 'If only there was SOMETHING else I could make for dinner.' She thought to herself. The answer to her problem came through the door. "Mooooom, I'm home. And brought Cream over for dinner" Symphony called as she and Cream came through the door, the rabbit carrying a grocery bag full of food packets. "Oh, I’m not sure she can stay. I'm in the kitchen and there isn’t any food left." She replied. Symphony looked over at Cream smiled a devious grin. The confused rabbit give her a strange look back before Symphony grabbed her arm, and quickly ran into her room. She grabbed one of the fast-food ketchup packet sized packages, and quickly read the directions: "Add one drop of water to produce a ready to eat meal." She thought for a moment, before she began to dig under her bed. "Uh, Symphony…what are you doing?" Cream asked, almost a little scared of the plump kitty’s strange behaviour. “Where is it?!” Symphony said to herself, ignoring the poor rabbit’s inquiry, as she flung random toys, clothes, and other such things from under the bed. After a few minutes of this, she stood up with a small bottle in her hand. She carefully read the label, making sure she grabbed the right bottle: "Appetiteus non-vourus: Increases appetite 20X, and rate of nutrition intake and retention 40X. Use only in small doses!!!” “W-what are you planning to do, Symphony?” Cream asked, always fearing what answers Symph could give when she was about to play out one of her schemes, which the rabbit reasoned was most likely what was going to happen. “I’m just going to make sure my mom is good and ready for your food packets.” She replied as she opened the bottle. She then proceeded to tilt the bottle over a packet, until a single drop of liquid hit it. A small puff of smoke entranced the scene before a fair sized chicken dinner with fixings appeared before the two. Symphony stuck her tongue out at the meal in disgust. It was just like something her mom would make, so low cal. “Oh, well. At least she’ll accept it without a whole lot of questions.” Symphony said to herself as she began to waddle quickly towards the kitchen. Cream followed not really wanting to be apart of this plan, but curious as to what might happen next. They both entered the kitchen to see Lisa sitting at the table, wondering what she was going to do about the apparent hi-fat meal her husband was inevitably going to bring her. Symphony entered the kitchen, with a concerned Cream following behind her. Her hands, which held the meal, were behind her back, hiding it from her mother’s view. “We have a surprise for you, mom.” She said as she revealed the meal to Lisa. Before Lisa had a chance to ask her where the two got the meal, Symphony continued. “Cream needed to sell a LOT of food packets for her guide girl drive, so I helped her out.” She placed the meal on the table and said “They’re pretty good. Try it.” Lisa sighed and said “I’d love to honey, but I’m trying to loose this weight…” She said grabbing a roll of her flab “Besides we should save this for dinner.” “That’s probably the best thing to d…” Cream added, before Symphony’s chubby hand covered her mouth. “Oh, come on, mom. One bite isn’t going to hurt anything. Besides, after all that excise you need something.” Symphony persuaded. Lisa looked at the dinner before her in ponder. She was pretty hungry, and it didn’t look like the most fattening of meals. “Maybe just one bite…” Lisa said as she grabbed a leg. She gave it a quick look over before proceeding to take the smallest of bites. She put the leg back on the platter Symphony held, and said “You’re right, it’s pretty good. But let’s save this for dinn…” she was hastily interrupted by the sound of her stomach growling. It, in fact, was so loud that it caused the chair, table, and that half of the kitchen to shake. “Whoa…” was all Symphony could say as she heard and felt the rumble. Lisa stared mindlessly at the bird for a moment, before she dived at the dinner like a lioness pouncing her prey. Symphony smiled as she watched her mother devour the meal in few seconds. She quickly licked her fingers of any stray sauce, then looked over at Symphony and pleaded one word to her: “More!” Symphony quickly ran out of the kitchen, a grin covering her face the entire time. Cream just stared at Lisa in awe. She was still quite scared at what the recent happenings were producing. “A-are you okay Mrs. Requiem?” She asked with genuine concern. Lisa only licked her lips at the bunny child, thinking just how good a side of roast rabbit would taste. Fortunately, that was the moment Symphony returned with the food packets. She dumped the bag out on the table, quickly filled a glass of water, then dumped its contents on the food packets. A few seconds of smoke later, a feast of fit for a queen sat on, and around, the table. Symphony saying “Eat up.” was all the encouragement Lisa needed before she dug into the feed. Symphony smiled at her piggy mother’s behaviour. She wasn’t satisfied though. Lisa wasn’t the only one Symphony was talking to. “Go ahead Cream, have some.” She said, gesturing towards the feast. Cream shook her head “I-I think I’ll sit this one out and *Mmmph*…” She was interrupted as Symphony shoved her finger into the rabbit’s mouth. Cream instantly knew what was happening as the small droplet of liquid on Symphony’s finger touched her tongue. “Sorry Cream, but the weight you’ve gained since you came to Cosphire just isn’t enough. You need a little bit of a boost in the hunger department.” Symphony said before pulling her finger back out of the rabbit’s mouth. Before the startled Cream could reply, a loud growl was emitted from her stomach, then, without hesitation, jumped in on the gorging. Symphony smiled as the two stuffed their faces. “Well, only one thing for me to do now.” The cat girl said to herself, before she licked her lips and joined in on gluttonous eating. Chicken, roast, steak, pork chops and any other meat imaginable, plus fixings, soon found their new homes inside Lisa’s, Cream’s and Symphony’s growing stomachs. It was more food than most could have ever dreamed of eating in one sitting, yet no one showed signs of slowing there appetite’s pace. Even as there rounding belly’s burst clothing, ripped seams, and sent buttons flying, not one of the three seemed any more phased from making sure each and every scrap of food was inside them. * * * Shadow whistled to himself as he approached his door. His hands full of bags that contained very fattening fried chicken. He juggled the bags carefully as he pulled a set of keys from his pocket. It took him a bit more juggling, and a few tries, to get his aim right before he was able to get the key into the door’s lock and turn it. He slowly elbowed the door open. He couldn’t see much, as the bags of take out did a good job of covering his view. “I’m home and I’ve got dinner!” He called out as he took a few more blind steps forward. “We’re *urp!* in here, honey.” Lisa called out from the kitchen in a very laboured voice. Shadow raised an eyebrow at this, and quickly headed towards the kitchen. He didn’t see it at first. The bags still blocked his line of sight. But as he slowly put the bags down, he got his first look at his surroundings. There before him lay three broken chairs, three greatly stuffed girls, and more than three thousand empty plates. Cream was moaning softly as her overly full state took its toll. The part of her dress that had concealed her belly had long since ripped open and let her three foot “tall” belly poke out. Symphony, who lay only a foot or so away, wore a serene smile of enjoyment on her face. Her dress also burst long ago to make way for her big belly which stood at least five feet higher than before (which was only two or three feet). She was gently rubbing her belly, eyes closed in a food sedated state. However, the biggest girl in the room was, without a doubt, Lisa. The former shreds that were her work out clothes lay all around her. Here belly overflowed from her body in every direction. It budged out an impressive eight feet from her body. She looked over to at her husband with sad eyes, patted her belly, and said “I think I’m going to have to step up my work out a bit.” Shadow didn’t hear her. He didn’t hear anything as he was too lost in the sight that was before him. All he could do was look her over before he said the only thing he could say: “Squishy!!!” He dropped the bags of fast food, ran over to his bloated wife, and gave her as much of a hug as he could. Which wasn’t much, considering his arms couldn’t reach across a quarter of her globe like tummy. He just hugged her, nuzzling his face into her flab, as he slow sunk into her fat laden tummy until almost half of his body was “consumed” by her mammoth rolls. It was his greatest dream come true. Lisa just sighed, and did her best to hug back, deciding it was better to just enjoy his affections. Symphony looked over at the two, and gave a quick smirk before asking “So, what’s for dinner?” The end Remember to visit Sonic Expansion ( for everything from pregnancy to vore :D. Also check out my DA art page: